Page name: Arianova rp page 5 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-11 19:57:15
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 2
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Siara sat in yet another tree, pondering over Alec's words and intentions. She slowly ran the tips of her dagger across the wood, creating lines. "hhmm.." She murmured.

Chris, standing nearby, heard Siara's voice and looked up. "What brings you here?" he asked dully. He was bored of watching Alec befriend the Sabrellans, and he still didn't trust him. Soon he would have to kill the man.

"The same thing as you," Siara replied with a smirk, leaning forward a bit as to see his face better. She looked rather threatening with her dagger in her hand, and with the smirk on her pale face.

Chris blinked. "Are you implying that you don't trust me to finish my task?" he asked with a slightly cool tone. He wasn't even slightly fazed by her threatening look.

"It's not you that I don't trust, persay.." Siara replied in the same tone, flipped her dagger in her hand slowly, it making a whoosh sound with each pass.

"And that means what?" Chris asked. He had been given a task- or rather, he had asked for it- and he intended to do it leaving no one with any doubt.

"You're a smart boy - you can figure it out." Siara said as she cocked her head a bit. She stood, and flipped, landing on another branch.

Chris shrugged. It wasn't worth arguing over. "Are you enjoying showing off for me?" he asked, sounding slightly amused.

"I'm not showing off, though I am practicing," Siara said. "Which is more than what I can say for the rest of our group," She added in a mutter.

Chris watched her silently. "Would you like to take that complaint to Orchid?" he asked, hearing her mutter. "I'm sure she would like to hear if some one believes her ranks are not practicing adequately."

"As her second in command I would assume so," Siara said quietly, though she added, "We're too small in numbers..and those that we do have don't have a good sense of fighting or of war." she added, "Save a few lucky souls.."

"Yes. More of us are leaving, joining our opposition," Chris agreed. "That's why I exist. It's my job to recruit more followers, remember? Unfortunately the Sabrellans always get to a town before us, and recruit before we get the chance." It was becoming harder and harder for him to convince citizens to join the Kerrigons.

"Have you ever thought of trickery?" Siara asked. "Fool them into thinking that the Sabrellans are bad people....use their mistakes against them." She said, leaning back to that her hands touched the wood.

Chris was silent. He had before used that method. Occasionally it would work, but generally it was better just to woo the ladies and get them to join that way. That was, of course, his method with Lerayel. But that only worked on the women. The Kerrigons needed more men.

"And another thing - why are there only male recruits? It doesn't help to get other men.." Siara said, thenshe added under her breath, "Unless that's their preferance.."

Chris nodded. "Again, perhaps you should suggest that to Orchid. It would be helpful. Apparently you can see how hard it is for me to recruit men."

"I might as well try my luck.." Siara muttered, "Though I believe I would end up murdering the bastards, since they can't seem to understand 'hands off.'" She recalled her ealrier years, and the trouble she had caused.

Chris smiled slightly. He too knew about Siara's reputation for hurting men who couldn't grasp the 'hands-off' rule. "Perhaps it would be better just to recruit some recruiters. Does that make any sense?"

A little ways off, the soft snapping of twigs could be heard. Soon, Alec came into view, his head down and he looked thoughtful as he was walking by.

Siara watched him, before jumping as to land almost right infront if him. "Out for a midnight stroll?" She mused.

Chris turned, and narrowed his eyes when he saw Alec. "Have you come to tell us your finished the job? Or did you give up?" he asked quietly.

Alec looked up and seemed to just notice they were there. He shook his head sadly. "I don't love her..." he said. He seemed resigned.

"And you are surprised by this?" Siara asked quietly. She made no comment to whether he had finished the job or not.

Chris's hand fell to his sword hilt, prepared to draw. "You haven't killed her," he said simply. "You never planned to kill her."

Alec smiled humorlessly and shook his head. "No, I'm not surprised," he said, then looked at Chris, ignoring his movements. "No, I haven't killed her, but I had planned to."

"If you don't love her, well, doesn't that make her easier to kill?" Siara asked, putting a hand on the back of her head in a laxed way.

"You lie," hissed Chris. "You have no plans to kill her. You never did. You're a betrayer. How do you plan to prove me wrong?"

"Yeah, you'd think that wouldn't you?" Alec said up to Siara. "And yeah, that's true... She'd be easy to kill..." he said, almost to himself, then looked up at Chris with a blank look. "I do not lie. I speak nothing but the truth. I did have plans to kill her, I don't anymore, and I do not plan to prove you wrong. Christopher..." he paused. "I'm not coming back to the Kerrigons."

Chris had been waiting for this admittal. He drew his sword swiftly, turning on Alec. He said nothing more. "You are foolish, Alec. You tell me openly. Dear, sweet Lerayel at least had the sense to avoid us once she ran. Now you will die!" He swung his sword at Alec's neck.

Alec jumped back to avoid it. "Yes, I came to tell you, because you needed to know! You need to tell Orchid that I still care for her, and that I am not going to be a Sebrellan, nor a Kerrigon! That's the other reason I came. I wanted you to kill me." His eyes were serious, though they still held that quiet resignation. It was obvious he wasn't going to run.

Chris hesitated. "So you want to die. That is your fate. If I released you, Orchid would have my head. But tell me this, Alec. Why?"

Alec shrugged. "I've seen everything I wanted to see. Pain used to hold such joy, but it's become so monotonus... And happiness.. justice.. still sickens me... So, old friend, will you pass my message to Orchid?"

Chris hesitated, but nodded. Alec had no desire to join the Sabrellans, he only wished to end his life. "We will all miss you," he said quietly before running his sword through Alec's heart. "Goodbye, my friend."

Alec gave a pained but thankful smile before his eyes closed and he fell back on the ground, dead.

Chris removed his sword, and cleaned it, looking slightly sorrowful. "Orchid wont' be happy to hear about this. Now I must go kill the advisor," he said, looking at Siara.

"That's your job, not mine." Siara said stiffly. As soon as he left she would burry Alec.

"It feels strange," Chris said softly, looking back at Alec. "We cannot just leave him here. But neither can we bring him back. It is hard to believe he is gone." He waited a moment, before saying, "will you help me bury him?"

"It's what I had planned on doing," Siara said softly.

"I don't suppose you have a shovel?" asked Chris quietly. He couldn't shake a feeling he had now, one he couldn't place.

"Of course, I carry one on my person at all times," Siara said sarcastically.

"I didn't think so," said Chris, ignoring her sarcasm. "How do you suppose we do this, then?"

Siara took out her dagger, and tossed the other at him. "These'll have to do," She muttered.

Chris tossed her dagger back to her. "I will use my own," he said, before surveying the ground for a good place to dig.

Siara caught it, and shrugged her shoulders. "How about under a tree?" She asked. "He loved nature.."

Chris nodded. He crouched beneath the tree and began scratching away the dirt with his dagger.

Siara began to dig at the ground as well, lashing out her anger at the soil.

Loke was looking around for Lerayel, worried about her. Finally he found her. "My lady, where were you?" asked Loke, his sunglasses falling down the bridge of his nose from running.

Lerayel opened her eyes. "Talking to Jalen," she replied. "And how many times do I have to tell you not to treat me formally?"

"About a million, you're half way there," he joked, pushing his glasses up.

Lerayel smiled. "I give up on you. What did you need?" she asked. She was glad he was there. It had been a while since she'd seen her bow-guard.

"Well, simply to know if you were safe. And now to know if you are okay," said Loke, sitting down on the floor against the wall.

Lerayel nodded. "I'm a bit overwhelmed by work, and plagued by memory, but other than that I'm fine."

"Why are you plagued by memory?" he asked softly.

"I told Jalen," Lerayel replied softly. That was all she said.

Loke looked at her quizzically. "You told Jalen what?" asked Loke. She wouldn't tell anyone about me would she? thought Loke, the trust for the only person he trusted fading.

Lerayel noticed Loke's thoughts. "No! Not that. I would never!" she cried. "Loke, you are my friend. I would never tell anyone about that." She sighed. "I told him about my history. I... avoided him, for some time, and I had to tell him why."

Loke stood and walked over to her, resting a strong and warm hand on her cheek. "Thank you for accepting this wanderer and loner as a friend. It is a difficult task for me to trust someone yet you have proved you are someone worth trusting," he whispered, his eyes showing happiness but his face not portraying it.

Lerayel covered Loke's hand with her own. "I need my followers to trust me. It is of utmost importance. I thank you for bestowing your trust upon me. You know not how much it means. You are a great friend," she said softly.

"You are welcome and thank you again," Loke said before kissing the top of her head and walking out of the room and to the bar.

Lerayel followed Loke out of her tent. "Would you walk with me?" she asked. "I want to figure out what's happening between Luna and Alec."

"Yes, I suppose I can," said Loke, his demeanor as quiet as ever.

"Thank you," replied Lerayel, leading him into the woods where Luna had gone. She was not in a hurry. She slowly walked in the direction.

Loke followed quietly as he looked around like the faithful guard he was.

Lerayel smiled slightly, watching Loke. "You take your jub too seriously," she said with a small smile. "We can be among my closest friends, and still you would watch me like a watchdog. No one touches me if you are around."

"I am a guard and my job is to protect you," said Loke, looking at her from the corner of his eye.

Lerayel nodded. "You are good at it. I am glad I chose you as my bow-guard."

"Thank you for the compliment Lerayel," he said, using her name for the first time in a long time.

Lerayel smiled, hearing him use her name. "It sounds so nice when you say it," she mused. "When I say my name, it's so... boring. But when you use it, it's, well, different."

"Different how?" asked Loke, confused but not showing it.

Lerayel didnt asnwer right away. She was about to, when she heard voices up ahead. She recognized that voice. Chris. "Loke," she said quietly. "The enemy is near. Go and tell... Tell Jalen."

Loke nodded, doing as she said and informing Jalen that Lerayel needed him.

"Well, lets just say that it is a memory from my time before I became an exile. That is the reason I am an exile. It was the most fun I've had in my whole life."Ben says, nting her gaze."Don't be sorry. It isn't your problem." he finishes, hefting his pack onto his shoulders.

Lei Fang blushed, "I'm sorry it was rude thought and not called for. I really should watch what I say sometimes." SHe sighed, looking up at him.

"It's fine mate. Don't worry."ben says lightly getting up with his pack.

Lei Fang nodded, getting up. "Then lets go find Luna or Lerayel and get things settle with you, okay." She smiled, then strapped on her dagger and sword and stepped out of the tent.

Lerayel hid among the trees, watching the two Kerrigons scratching in the dirt. She narrowed her eyes in anger as she recognized the man. He was, without a doubt, the one Kerrigon she hated above the others. The woman it took her a moment to place. Silently, she leaped into a tree above her. She crawled out on a branch until she was nearly above them. Then she waited.

"Right moving on."ben says stepping nout of the tent.

Lei Fang smiled, "Now. I wonder were they could be." She pondered over it for a bit. "You could wait at her tent. She does return to it."

"I don't want to scare her. A fellow my size could kill someone with shock."Ben says, shifting his feet.

"I'm still alive." Lei Fang smiled, looking up at him. "Well" She thought agian.

"You were also to tired to say anything about it, or even notice it."ben says."I also don't want her to kill me." he finishes.

"Yea because that would be bad. Very bad." Lei Fang smiled, "I noticed, just didn't really care. My father was about your hight. But I got stuck with my mother's human genes in that area."

"Well, I still don't want to get killed."Ben says still shifting his feet.

Lei Fang bit her lip. "I really have no idea were they could be. Are you hungary? Maybe food will help."

"I'm not that hungry. Even so, I have my own food."ben says gently, still moving.

"Okay. Scratch that." Lei Fang sighed, "I don't know were to look."

"Then you could give ma a tour."ben says lightly, still shifting uneasily, noting all the people staring at his size.

Lei Fang nodded, "I could." She smiled softly

"Anything to get people to stop staring at me. Would you mind if I left my pack in your tent?"ben says shifting even worse now.

"Ofcourse not. Go right ahead." Lei Fang smiled, pulling the flap back.

"Thanks mate."ben says as he goes back inside and comes back out minus his pack.

"You look better with out that. No offence." Lei Fang smiled, "I'll take you to the training center first."

"Thanks, just get me away from them. Why do they stare at me so much?"Ben says, his eyes darting.

Lei Fang headed that way. "Lets see your really tall, and most around here or mid high vampires, elfs and such. Which No offence to them. Is short."

A few minutes later Jalen silently came up by Lerayel, giving her a look that asked why she had called for his help.

Lerayel looked down from her brance and saw Jalen. She met his eyes. 'Kerrigons,' she mouthed to him.

Jalen smelled the air and his head snapped in their direction. Two, one female, one male, and.. No.. Alec?...

'Watch the girl,' Lerayel mouthed to him. She moved further out on the branch, planning in her mind.

Jalen nodded as his eyes locked on Siara, hiding behind a bush.

"But they act like I'm a freak."Ben says shuddering lightly, trying in vain to shake their gazes.

"Don't let them get to you. Your not."Lei Fang smiled.

"Thats easy for you to do. You aren't a giant, even by a giants standards."ben says, sitting down. Even so he was still three feet tall, and all muscle.

Lei Fang smiled at him, "Well I see nothing wrong with you. And I find it that your cute." Her smile fadded and she blushed faintly.

Makaan pulled at his open robe, which sat on his chaos armour as mud had slowly taken to it's rim. Damn mud! Where the hell is that girl? He said to himself as he as he his eyes soon focus on something moving around on the ground. Well I thought she was low, but to act like a dog? Maybe I should move to take her head now. He began to pick up the pace a little, using his staff to help his armoured form along.

Jalen sniffed the air a little again, just to keep gaurd and nearly yelped. He looked up at Lerayel with fearful eyes. He could almost taste the armor the person was so close and he looked around, trying to find the source. He caught sight of Makaan and froze, rooted to his spot.

Lerayel focused entirely on Chris, who was still scratching in the dirt below. Therefore, she was not aware of the man aproaching, or of te fearful look Jalen gave her.

Siara stopped, and whispered, "Did you hear that?" To Chris who was next to him.

Jalen was praying in his head. Oh merciful oh mighty power of all... Oh no oh no oh no... He wasn't aware he was sharing his thoughts in his panic. He actually wasn't aware he was even able to. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the man coming toward him garbed in armor, nor could he make himself move.

Lerayel was jerked from her thoughts by the presence of the thoughts of another's: Jalen's. he was, apparently accidentally, transferring thoughts of fear to her. Jalen! she thought sharply to him. What is it?

Again, the werewolf was bardly able to contain his yelp. L-Lerayel??... he said tentively.

Aerion stopped when she entered the camp. She looked around, and paused when she found no Jalen, and no Lerayel. I thought.. She shook her head and sighed.

Chris, too, looked up. He saw Makaan. "We are safe," he said. "It is one of us." He knew nothing of Lerayel above him.

Yes, Jalen, Lerayel said back. What is it? she asked more emphatically.

How are you...? He shook his head. Never mind. Do you not see that beast of a man approaching them?!?!

Telepathy. Ever heard of it? Lerayel sent back. She looked around, hearing his warning, and found herself staring into hte face of yet another Kerrigon, one who would surely see her. She visibly paled. Uh-oh, was all she said.

"Thanks. I don't often get acknowlaged by maidens these days. Too big and it scares them."Ben says smiling and looking over at her."What is that red tinge along your cheeks?"he asked, noting her blushing.

Lei Fang nodded, then looked down at her shoes. "N-Nothing." She said.

"But there is something around your cheeks that is red. Are you alright? Do you ned to lay down?"Ben asks, a little concerned.

Lei Fang shook her head then covered her face, turning so he couldn't see her, she tried not to think of him for a moment and regain control.

"Okay."Ben said, then laid back waiting for her to regain her composure.

Lei Fang sighed, then turned back to face him, "May I ask you a question, other then this one. I mean."

"You may."Ben says, bowing his head in her direction.

"How old are you?" Lei Fang smiled sitting down next to him. "Or wat is how tall were you?" She asked herself. She then shrugged, and looked at Ben smiling.

"I'm twenty five and about seven foot."Ben says proudly, smiling.

"That would mean, you have really tall parents." Lei Fang said looking at him. "I like that your tall."

"Actually, I am a vengance machine. Most my bones were enlongated and coated with a very tough metal, and then lots of training was added to build my muscle. I am a machine trained to kill. Or thats what I have been told."Ben says lightly."But I like that you like me being tall."

Lei Fang smiled, "You have the I'll kick your ass look without even meaning it." She palyed with the dirt under her thumb. "Mind if I ask something else?"

"That look? That isn't the right look. For me, thats me trying to explain my past. That scar? From my surgery. But you may ask a question."Ben says, lightly lifting her chin to look at him.

Makaan began to draw near when his eyes caught something in the tree, something staring directly at him. Well hello there pacifist. Spying are we? Now lets have some fun, maybe catch the girl and her friend in the blast, friendly fire of course. He grinned, pulling his robe out the way, revealing the heavily polished silver armour, giving off a cold blue shine to it. He raised his staff off of the ground, and began to chant words, heavy with corupt magic. His free hand streched out as red flames began to lick at the tips of his fingers. Now to oblitorate that tree. The flames shoot out in a quick streamer of red, heavilly hitting the tree and sending the flames outwards in a large blast radius, but nothing burned, instead anything which was hit began to slightly mutate but the tree wasn't so safe. The tree buckled under the stress of change which was inflicted upon it, warping and dancing franticly to try and find a new shape in reality.

Lerayel watched in horror as Makaan worked magic. She could not leave the tree with the silent speed needed; if she tried, Chris and Siara would become aware of her presence. For that matter, they would become aware of it regardless, as Makaan already knew she was there and surely would inform the other two. Deciding quickly, she jumped down, aiming for Siara's shoulders, hoping to knock the girl down. Then she would deal with Chris and Makaan.

Siara culd hear the tree branch moving from the jump of Leyrayel. She looked up and quickly moved out of the way (rolled out of the way is a bettr way to put it).

Lerayel's heart sank as her feet hit the ground rather than Siara. She had half-expected this, but still, she had hoped.... But it was too late now. She had to protect herself against both Chris and Siara, and this newcomer, for that matter. It was lucky Jalen was there to help- but still, two against three weren't great odds, especially knowing the power of their opponents. Lerayel quickly drew her sword and fell into a defensive stance.

Lei Fang smiled, "You have the I'll kick your ass look without even meaning it." She palyed with the dirt under her thumb. "Mind if I ask something else?"

"That look? That isn't the right look. For me, thats me trying to explain my past. That scar? From my surgery. But you may ask a question."Ben says, lightly lifting her chin to look at him.

Lei Fang smiled, "I'm sorry did I says something to hurt you?" She shifted her weight a little, her smiled faded.

"No, no, you didn't just sayinbg something that everyone does. Smile. You have such a pretty smile."Ben says, smiling, trying to get her to smile.

Lei Fang bite her lip, then smiled. "Thank you." She looked up and met his eyes, and smiled a little more. "My question, may I?"

"The floor is yours."Ben says simply, bowing his head once more.

Lei Fang nodded, "Are you man or machine?"

"I'm a man with many improvements."Ben says smiling.

Lei Fang grinned, scanning him then blushed deeply. She turned the other way. Sighed then looked back at him just a hit of pink on her cheecks.

"No I have a few questions for you."Ben says, smiling a little more.

"Then I may just have answers for you." She smiled at him, laying back, looking up at the slightly, clouded sky.

"Are you attracted to me?"Ben asks, smiling lightly, leaning against a tree again.

Lei Fang turned to look at him, "What gave you that idea?" She hoped she covered her tracks fairly well.

"Because you keep blushing around me. I think that that means you are sexually attracted to me."Ben says, leaning heavily against the young sapling.

"Oh your good." Lei Fang smiled, "So what if I am. It doesn't matter." She shrugged, then laied back down looking up at the cloudes agian.

Ben heard a small crack and felt himself fall back with a heavy thud, landing nexxt to her."Well, I find it pretty awesome that someone actually likes me like that."he says smiling.

Lei Fang giggled lighty, "You okay?" She asked, her voice a little more worried then she would have liked. She shook her head. "Well prepare to be ammazed." She teased a little.

"I always fall like that. Even happens with thick trees. I'm ready."Ben responds.

Lei Fang smiled looking up at him, "I thought you might have had more then just one question." She sighed, he was so much bigger then her and she just didn't care.

"I opften say I will ask more than one, just in case, I need to."Ben says, looking over and smiling.

Lei Fang nodded, "Makes sence." She smiled back at him. "Then I take it you don't" She bite her lip lightly.

"No, not really."ben says smiling.

"Okay." She smiled, then looked back up at the sky. "Do you ever wish you weren't so tall?"

"When I need to hide."Ben says, still staring up.

Lei Fang giggled lightly, "Bet you always lost at hide and seek." She said then turned to get a quick glance at him, then back at the sky.

"Surprisingly, I always won."Ben says smiling.

"What? No way." Lei Fang sat up, crossing her legs under her. She smiled, at him, seeing his face a little better. "How so?"

"They wouldn't check higher up."Ben says lightly.

Lei Fang giggled lightly, "Go figure." She smiled, "Mind if I lean on you?"

"Not at all."Ben says, smiling and leaning his head all the way back.

Lei Fang moved closed, crossed her arms on his upper chest, and laid her head on her folded arms. "Thank you." She smiled, up at him. She pulled her hair from under her then laied her head back down, smiling at him.

"Any reason you wanted to do this?"Ben asks softly.

Lei Fang smiled, "I can think of at leat two. Why?" She sighed, "I can move, if you want me to." She said lifting her head a little, looking at him better.

"No, it's fine. I was just asking."Ben says, smiling softly.

"Okay." Lei Fang smiled, laying her head back down on him. "You know that your really comfy to lay on." She shifted a little, her arms crossed over her chest, her head on his.

"I figured all this muscle would be good to have someone do something with. Never thought it would be laying down."Ben says smiling and closing his eyes once more.

"Uh, Ben?" Lei Fang said a little unsure if she should ask ths next question.

"Yes?"he responds lightly, still with his eyes closed.

Lei Fang smiled and relaxed a little. "Have you ever been in love before?"

"Not really. But I have heard that it can go good or bad."Ben says smiling.

Lei Fang giggled, sitting up off him. She fell back hit her head on the ground, hard. "Nice to know." She said rubbing her head.

"You okay?"Ben asks concerned, sitting up.

"I think so." Lei Fang said sitting up, pulling her hand away. "Hurts a little." she giggles lightly, trying to play it off.

"What now?"Ben asks, laying back down.

Lei Fang sighed, lenaing back on him. "I'm not to sure. You have any ideas?" Sh started to hum softly, to herself.

"Would you like to learn more about me?"Ben asks, smiling and closing his eyes.

"Yea." She smiled perking up. "Sounds good. Then I can tell you about me."

"What would the madam like to know about me?"Ben asks eloquently.

"Whatever the good sir would care to share." Lei Fang smiled.

"Well, I have also been, not only physically enhanced, but also mentally enhanced. I do plenty of calculations, equations, statistics, and stragies."Ben says smiling and closing his eyes, laying back all the way, and feeling a sharp prod in his back from the stump.

"Oh. So not only are you super tall but super smart." Lei Fang giggled lightly, "Sounds like fun."

Makaan grinned, though he felt that he could have done more damage if he pushed himself to use the Blue fires, but then he would have killed his two 'comrades'. He took a couple of steps forward, but enough to keep everyone out of striking distance, just so he had time to react to any assaults. "Now put your back into it Siara, you seemed to have forgotten that our master supplies us with armour to protect our hide and someone of your stature shouldn't put yourself at risk. And not noticing that you were being followed? tisk tisk girl." He grinned from behind his helm, knowing that he features were hidden but the tone of his voice clearly stated his pleasure at his rival being in a tight spot.

Siara growled at him. "It wouldn't be above me to 'accidently' kill you. Remember that," She warned, pulling out her daggers as she stood.

Lerayel was not surprised that the two were arguing about something so simple. She remembered Makaan, and his thirst for power. But she didn't have time to think about that. It was obvious they were preparing to attack. Chris, too, had drawn his weapon and was silently advancing. Oh how she hated him. Still, she made no move, waiting for Jalen to join her.

"I know. But it's a lot worse than you can imagine."Ben says smiling at her.

"I bet. See you have trouble getting thing from lower places. Like I have trouble getting things from hight places." Lei Fang smiled back at him. "Your even cuter when you smile, did you know that?"

"I try to smile, even when times look grim. It brightens the world, even if only one is smiling."Ben says grinning."Plus, I can't scowl or frown. I don't want to and I have forgotten how."he says, sitting up and ripping the stump out of the earth.

Lei Fang flushed a little watching him. Oh, he could kill her and not even think twice. She sighed, thinking. He could kill. She made a note to never make him mad. She smiled sweetly at him, watching.

Ben hurled the stump away, careful not to get any dirt on Lei Fang. He smiled at her and laid back down.

Lei Fang smiled, laying back on him. "Everything okay now?" She smiled, at him while she traced small patterns on his chest, infront of her.

"Yes, it is. But why the big facination with me?"Ben asks her, holding her hand lightly.

Lei Fang looked up, "Huh. What? I mean.." She blushed looking down. "I'm sorry. I just find you easy to talk to, kind, nice and sweet. I'll point you towards Lerayel's tent. If you want to be rid of me."

"No. You're beautiful, and just like me. Except a little smaller."Ben says smiling and hugging her.

Lei Fang blushed lightly, crawling ontop of him, hugging him better. "Thank you. But being smaller is not always bad." She smiled, snuggling into him.

"Thats okay."Ben says smiling.

"Wanna learn a little more about me?" Lei Fang smiled, propping her head up on her hands on his chest.

"Sure. Sounds like fun."Ben says lightly, shaking his matted hair.

Lei Fang smiled, "My father was a vampire and a Kerrigon. However my mother was human and a Sabrellan." She paused, with a sweet smile. Trying to ignore the pain in her heart.

"Sounds like fun. I never really knew my parents."Ben says lightly, laying back down.

Lei Fang shook her head. "It was crazy in my house. Atleast from what I can remember. My father turned me with out my mothers okay. Which caused some fights. But they really did love each other."She shrugged, "But yea. My life in a nut shell. Well that and I'm just out to find a place that I can call home."

"Like me."ben says, his smile fading slightly.

"Oh. You looking for a family too?"Lei Fang asked sitting up a little. She reached out and placed her small hand on the side of his face, and smiled slightly.

"I always was."Ben says smiling again, looking into her eyes.

Lei Fang started to pull her hand away, smiling. "And I since my mother passed."

"You have such soft hands. Keep them there. I like your touch."Ben says softly, grabbing her hand and staying it.

Lei Fang blushed, looking down. She smiled looking back up at him and moved agianst him to sit a little higher, leaving her hand on his cheek. "Ben, am I growing on you?" She smiled, sweetly at him.

"Yes you are."Ben says truthfully, shruging.

"Good thing? Or is it a bad thing?" Lei Fang asked, biting her lower lip, smiling at him.

"Very good."Ben says, smiling again.

"You know. I don't think I've smiled this much in like forever." She grinned. "Glad it's a good thing."

"I am too."Ben says closing his eyes.

Lei Fang giggled, "Your growing on me too." She smiled.

"But I am not growing. Not that I hope."Ben says, jokingly.

Lei Fang nudged him lightly, "You know what I mean." She smiled, looking at him.

"I know. I was being a little smart."Ben says, not daring to nudge her back, for fear he'd push her off.

Lei Fang smiled, "What color are your eyes?" She asked trying to tell, crawling up him a little more, her face almost right over his.

"I don't know."Ben says softly.

"There different." Lei Fang smiled, leveled with his face. "Mine are grey, green, or blue. It deppends on my mood." She breathed agianst him, lightly. Trying to figure them out.

"I've ben tolod they rapidly change, but most oftenly, they are rainbow strips, mainly in swirls."Ben says smiling and getting one inch from her face.

"Cool." Lei Fang smiled, "I love them." She looked from his eyes moving her face down then smiling at him, cupping his face with both hands.

"Thank you."ben says modestly.

Lei Fang pulled back her hands and rested her head right over his heart. She smiled, traceing small patterens on him agian.

"You like tracing patterns on me, don't you?"Ben asks smiling.

"Is that bad?" Lei Fang stopped, pulled back and looked at him. "I'm sorry. I'm heavy. I'll get off you." She said flushed a little, making to move from on him.

"It's okay. You're fine. I think it tickles."Ben says lightly, laughing.

Lei Fang smiled, readjusting herself on him. "What about this?" She asked then reached down and started to try to tickle his sides.

"You know my ticklish spots very well."ben started to laugh very loud, a deep rumbleing sound from his chest.

Lei Fang laughed sitting up on his lap, wiggling in victory. "I got you."

"Yes you did."Ben laughs still laying down.

Lei Fang giggled, "I'm not ticklish." She smiled, looking down at him.

"I never said you were."Ben says smiling, crossing his big hands over his chest.

Lei Fang's smile faded, "I'm sorry." She crawled off him, sitting next to him, faceing the other way.

Ben moved so quickly, all she heard was a rustling and he wasn't there. Then he hung upside down from a branch grinning from ear to ear."What are you sorry about?"he asked, still smiling, trying to make her smile.

Lei Fang turned around, then stood up. "Ben?" She said worried. "Where'd you go?" She looked all around her.

" right behind you."Ben says, smiling, and upside down, his tunic falling over his face.

Lei Fang turned around and looked at him, smiling. She reached out and tickled his bare chest.

ben laughed so hard he fell from hanging and landed on his back, still laughing at his mistake.

"Oh my. Ben are you okay?" Lei Fang asked before laughing lightly.

Ben just rolled around on the ground, laughing, holding his sides.

Lei Fang sat ont he spot and laughed. He was so cute, and he had a great laugh. She smiled, after calming down.

Ben toned down his laughing, wiping away a tear.

Lei Fang leaned over his face, "You okay?" she smiled, head over his face.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."Ben says, sitting up.

Lei Fang pulled back and smiled, "Okay. Good."

Ben stood up and dusted himself off.

Lei Fang stod and dusted off. "That was fun." she smiled.

"Yes it was, it was brilliant fun."Ben says smiling a little.

Lei Fang looked up at him and smiled, blushing lightly. She was thinking af things that should not cross one mind. Atleast not hers anyway. She looked down to the ground, cleared her head then smiled at him agian.

"Yes madam? You were going to say something?"Ben asks lightly, wlking away a bit, shaking all the dirt out of his hair and walking back over.

"Huh. Me? No-Not that I can recall." Lei Fang faked a small cough, "So yea." She smiled, looking up at him, after watching him. Her mind wondering agian.

"I saw it in your eyes, you were think about things to say to me."Ben says lightly, hopping up and sitting in the lower branches of a pine tree.

"Okay." Lei Fang said, looking down. "There may have been a few things that I wanted to say." She smiled, "And a few things I wanna do." She blushed, then looked at him and smiled.

"Would you care to share?"Ben says lightly, shifting and leaning against the trunk.

"Like kiss you, and rock your world. Then agian I want to hold you and never let go." Lei Fang smiled at him.

"Be my guest. I am, open to all ideas and suggestions."ben says helping her up by him.

"Okay then." Lei Fang smiled, then kissed him. Wrapping her arms around his neck.

Ben smiled a little and kissed her, not daring to wrap his arms around, for fear he might crush her.

Lei Fang pulled back after a little bit. She smiled at him. "That was nice."

"Yes it was."Ben says smiling at her.

Lei Fang grinned, she leaned closed, and licked his lips. She was teasing him, running her fingers down his lower neck.

Ben tried to remain still, but found her testing his discipline.

Lei Fang placed one of her braids behind her ear. She tilted her head and smiled at him. She leaned close to his face and kissed him lightly, biting his lower lip, playfully pulling back. She smiled, then placed the other braid behind her ear.

Ben smiled and followed her, tasting a small amount of blood in his mouth.

"I didn't hurt you did, I?" Lei Fang asked, tilting her head, pulling back from him to look at him.

"No, no no, it's fine. I don't get hurt easily."Ben says smiling and wiping the blood away.

"I'm sorry. Maybe that was out of line of me." I shouldn't have." Lei Fang sighed.

"It's okay, you're fine. If you want to, you can keep doing it. I kind of liked it."Ben says lightly, shaking his head.

Lei Fang blushed looking up at him, "Really?" She smiled, "You'll have to come closer."

Ben leaned in a little closer and smiled."Like this?"he says, grinning even more.

Lei Fang nodded, bringing her face closer but not kissing him. "Yea like that." She smiled, and cupped his face with a hand.

"Now what?"Ben asked, softly, holding her lightly.

"This." Lei Fang closed her eyes and kissed him agian, she licked his lips asking for entrance.

Ben opened his lips a little and allowed her to enter his mouth.

Lei Fang, brushed her tounge agianst his, deepening the kiss between them, her arms wrapped around his neck holding him close.

Ben started to lay back slowly, kissing her slowly.

Lei Fang pulled back, as he moved to far away. She smiled at him, blinking her eyes open.

Ben smiled and pulled her back with him, himself leaning against the trunk.

"Remember dear, that the master apreciates my unique talents. You are replaceable." Makaan sneared, drawing his sword with his free hand so that he can defend himself, while muttering a few more dark words of power, readying a delayed spell.

Lerayel heard his muttered words, recognized the power in them. He was casting a spell- and she had no defense against magic. She could heal, that was all. She had few magic-workers in her ranks. She paled, almost imperceptibly. What could she do agaisnt his spells, aside from dodge? And even that was unlikely.

"If you were as great as you make yourself out to be, you'd be higher up, now wouldn't you?" Siara hissed, pulling her daggers from their shielth. She flipped then once, then took a stance, ready to fight.

Luna finaly stood from her tent & walked out she needed to talk to Lerayel, she figured she would ask around before serching the woods for her. After no luck in the camp she walked off heading towards the outer area of the camp, she blushed as she walked up onto Ben & Lei then said softly to them," I'm so sorry, i should have been more careful." She then turned to head back to her tent.

Lei Fang blushed, she jumped down from Ben embrace then ran after her. "Luna wait."

"Luna, is it? Any way, it's okay, you were fine. I honestly don't mind."Ben says, swinging along the upper branches, springing down in front of her.

Yet again, we've filled an entire page! Go to Arianova rp page 6

Arianova rp page 4
Arianova character page

Username (or number or email):


2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: 'Sup mates?

2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: not much, what's up with u?

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Nothing much. 'tis a rare opportunity to talk to you when you're on mate.

2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: yea, life is hectic with school starting up again.

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Same here mate.

2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: How was summer?

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Pretty good. I'm a bachelor again! Whoot whoot!


2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: ....we are.

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: o.e no you were not! you SHOT her while she was gone.. TWICE! with no time for her to react without you all doing something else first! are you crazy?????

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: *bangs head on wall* have you people EVER heard of powerplaying?? EVER??? My God! I'm not some all powerful being that CAN BE ON E.T. AT ALL TIMES!! >.<


2006-08-01 [Artsy]: akay, now.. calm down.. relax.. it can all be sorted out

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: See this is why I'm the angry person that I am. Because people have peas for brians!! >.<

2006-08-01 [The Blood Angel]: Ok people chill. Yes some powergaming has happened but don't need another repeat so early. I would say the powerplayed posts be removed and replay the scene. Makes things easy if people don't argue or kick up about it. A simple rewind

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: akay! settle down, relax, i told you, this'll all get sorted out

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: *growls*

2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: she didn't die, the arrow didn't go deep enough to pierce her heart, the most it would have done is hit one of Siara's ribs. She won't die.

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: It doesn't fucking matter!! You powerplayed!!!!

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: and more importantly, while I wasn't even on!!

2006-08-01 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: Then erase it! And talk to Elowyn about it and leave me out it.

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: I didn't do it mates! Don't yell at me!

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: Do you see yelling directed at you? No! So don't say, 'Don't yell at me!' I can read the fricking page!!

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: Living yelled at me! I hadn't done anything mate!

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: No she didn't!! >.<

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: She said guys, and when it was just me and Were talking, I figured it was also directed at me.

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: yes i did yell at you, but only because i cannot believe what you guys did! i am shocked

2006-08-01 [Dark Necromancer]: I didn't!

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: mm true, ok, i made a mistake in my last comment, i'm only yelling at those who roleplayed after siara was shot

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: And I'm still p.o.ed at the person who shot me in the first place -.-

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: akay, you have to relax

2006-08-01 [Akayume]: That is not physically possible at the moment.

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: if you don't, we'll leave your chary dead and you'll make a new one or leave! now.. when lady gets back on, she will decide what needs removed, and it will be removed so that the powerplay is no more, got it?!

2006-08-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: *Screams* Can there not be peace here for even a few hours?!?! Ok. So we powerplayed. Sorry, you;re right, we shoudln't have. Siara is NOT going to die. Even if the arrow was deep enough to kill Lerayel would heal her. So, to make everyone happy, I'm deleting all of our posts since they first walked up on Chris and Siara. Can everyone agree to that?!

2006-08-01 [Artsy]: well, i can, i mean.. my chary's dead in this scene

2006-08-01 [Lady_Elowyn]: .... True..... Slytherin? Akay? Angel?

2006-08-02 [Akayume]: yes, thank you.

2006-08-02 [Angelis Nightfall]: I never said no don't deleat it, because all i did in this was talk & make an action i didn't really do anything at all

2006-08-02 [Angelis Nightfall]: I don't care if you deleat it

2006-08-02 [Lady_Elowyn]: Now we just need Slytherin's consent

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: I'm peaceful!

2006-08-02 [Slytherin's Werewolf]: I gave my consent but it makes no difference. Elowyn, i resign, sorry.

2006-08-02 [The Blood Angel]: It was a simple mistake and easily fixed, just remember to let people react and never dictate if the blow hits. Its a trust thing to let people dictate how much damage you have done. The only time you would be able to play out the damage as well is if there was no way someone could have done anything about it. OR! if you and the other player have sorted a story hook together and it involves hurting another character.

2006-08-02 [Lady_Elowyn]: The section of the RP that caused contrition has been moved to Arianova deleted scenes

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: Who plays Lei fang?

2006-08-02 [Artsy]: go look at the chary page

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: She is making me very irritated.

2006-08-02 [Artsy]: why?

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: because i see her on, but she isn't rping.

2006-08-02 [Artsy]: then kindly ask her to rp

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: I will if she's on.

2006-08-02 [Artsy]: she is, and be nice

2006-08-02 [Dark Necromancer]: Okay mate.

2006-08-02 [Ayame the Snake]: sorry *anime sweat drop*

2006-08-02 [Artsy]: huh.. i once had a boyfriend about 7 feet tall.... he was an ass, but all the same....

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Fun. Scary, but fun. I'm short....

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: not fun, he had a clinical anger problem and he was about 4 years old than me, i was 14-15, he was 18-19

2006-08-03 [Angelis Nightfall]: i'm 5'10

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: i'm 5' 2"

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: I'm, like I said, short. Why'd you date him? If you don't mind me asking, I mean....

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: because, he comes with good references, everyone said he's really nice, and i know he helps out a lot, and he does good art work, but once i got to know him i realized that his art wasn't that good, he was pretty disgusting, and had anger problems... *sigh*

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: I'm 5' 3"!

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: So you dated him based on reputation. I'm sorry.

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: well.. he was friends with my cuz.. and as far as i could tell, when i was around him, he WAS a nice guy.. but just.. alot of time with him, you learn otherwise

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: Sorry mate.

2006-08-03 [Akayume]: Alot of people are like that

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: I'm not! I'm nice all through!

2006-08-03 [Akayume]: How does this have to do with the above topic? -.-

2006-08-03 [Angelis Nightfall]: Most guys are nice, but those who are not^ should be locked away.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Good question. No one was accusing you, Necro. Which means, perhaps, that you aren't so nice....

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: Perhaps, but as far as you know, I am a very nice guy.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: That's debatable....

2006-08-03 [Akayume]: burn XD

2006-08-03 [Angelis Nightfall]: oh my lol

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: By the way, perhaps Siara could be smart enough to look up and see Lerayel?

2006-08-03 [The Blood Angel]: *Grins* so when can I 'drop' in *Jumps off a cliff

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hmmm.... you could be searching for Siara... and when you find her, you could see Lerayel. Three on one wouldn't be good, and Loke is not there at the moment. I should change that, as his player went MIA.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: [Artsy] I hope you don't mind that Loke summoned Jalen to go help Lerayel... Luna was hurt, so she wouldn't make sense, and Jalen is the other one she trusts more than anyone.

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: no.. *shifts on her feet* i guess not... <.< >.>

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: You sure? Cause if you don't like it I'll change it. I'm here to keep everyone happy ^^

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: no, it's fine.. just wasn't sure how jalen would react to that...

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ok. Well, pretty much, she wouldn't be able to convince loke to leave.... so she sent him to get more help, pretty much.

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: i meant.. hello, jalen KNEW alec didn't love luna, and that alec had betrayed the kerrigons for REAL, i'm not sure how he'd take to his death.. right there..

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Oh yeah, that part.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: We need to pause now for [The Blood Angel] to enter his character.

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: who's his chary? it's not on the chary page is it?

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Isn't it? I thought I put it there. Oops. I'll check

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: There. He's up.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Now we really pause for him

2006-08-03 [The Blood Angel]: hey. I'll read up and try to get posted

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: If you want we'll just tell you what's happened...

2006-08-03 [The Blood Angel]: Its cool I've been keeping up, just reading the latest.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: ok sounds good

2006-08-03 [The Blood Angel]: Bang!!! There you go.

2006-08-03 [Artsy]: awesome, good entrance, i like it

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: Yo!

2006-08-03 [The Blood Angel]: Thanks, I try my best.

2006-08-03 [Dark Necromancer]: It is pretty good.

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Now Makaan sees Lerayel... and warns Chris and Siara... and then... who knows....

2006-08-03 [Akayume]: We take it from there XD

2006-08-03 [Lady_Elowyn]: Exactly

2006-08-04 [The Blood Angel]: Hey just to note that there is plenty of space for people to manuvour and notice makaans actions, plus if you do want to rp that you did not manage to get away from the blast, you will suffer a minor, but painful mutation from the Red Fires or Alteration. I'll need to make a list of spells for makaan just to make them legal.

2006-08-04 [Artsy]: **wonders why lord must make his charies so meticulous*

2006-08-04 [The Blood Angel]: I love detail. A detailed character is a fun character. Though I would like to have gone into more detail with this one, its still good. :D

2006-08-04 [Artsy]: you make my head spin... 30 characters, plus trying to keep up with everything with even ONE of your charies... @.@ i get so confused REAL quick...

2006-08-04 [The Blood Angel]: ah but I do have good characters though :D Next time I see a new rp, I'll going to have to do a joker clone. I love that badass! :D

2006-08-07 [Lady_Elowyn]: *Waits for Siara and Makaan to attack Lerayel and Jalen*

2006-08-07 [Akayume]: I posted second to last in that area. It be not my turn.

2006-08-07 [Lady_Elowyn]: I was waiting for Makaan, mainly. Then Chris could post, and then Siara. Jalen would be some where in there of course....

2006-08-07 [Akayume]: okay

2006-08-07 [The Blood Angel]: oh your waiting for me :p. Sorry

2006-08-07 [Akayume]: tis alright

2006-08-07 [The Blood Angel]: TAG! your it. *Laughs* God my posts are definatly getting longer.

2006-08-07 [Akayume]: why is Siara his rival??? *is confuzzeled....greatly..*

2006-08-07 [The Blood Angel]: *Laughs* Because Makaan see's anyone above him a rival :p

2006-08-07 [Akayume]: oh..O.o

2006-08-07 [Dark Necromancer]: Yo?

2006-08-07 [The Blood Angel]: YO!!

2006-08-07 [Dark Necromancer]: Whats up?

2006-08-07 [The Blood Angel]: nothing much, just chilling. though I'm very sleepy :p.

2006-08-07 [Dark Necromancer]: I need a nap.

2006-08-08 [Lady_Elowyn]: We need to pause now for Living Armor to post as Jalen

2006-08-09 [Angelis Nightfall]: I think it's time for a new page already on here

2006-08-09 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yeah. Soon, I promise. As soon as Living Armor is back

2006-08-09 [Angelis Nightfall]: ok cool deal

2006-08-10 [Lady_Elowyn]: Necro, Broken angel, can I ask you two to pause for a little while? Just until Living Armor returns.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: sure...were just waiting for a change to get to your character...seeing that she is with her b/f it will be another few days

2006-08-10 [Lady_Elowyn]: Thanks. I understand... but it's a lot while we're waiting for an attack.

By the way, Makaan and/or Siara are allowed to post right now

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: i gotcha...

2006-08-10 [The Blood Angel]: *Grins* Oh the inhumanity. *begins to plot*

2006-08-10 [Lady_Elowyn]: Why does everyone plot here BUT me? Eien had the wole Alec thing.... now you're plotting too...

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *giggles* Ah..I'm going with the flow...and the flow is telling me to watch sailor moon..woot woot...brb

2006-08-10 [Lady_Elowyn]: have fun then

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: oh yea...i love sailor moon, still

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: O.o where is living?

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: you guys!! >.< We're suppost to stop and wait for living. If you want the page to change then wait.

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: We're supposed to wait?

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: sorry forgot...*anime seet drop*

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: yes! Do you read the comments?

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: No, not really.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: does anyone know when she will be back?

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: No I don't.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *sighes* man...he b/f needs to go him and I can get back to our rp...and her for this one...*sighes then goes back to sailor moon*

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: Just be patient, and wait.

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: What now?

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *looks up from sailor moon StarS* what now?

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: I dunno, I was asking.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *sighes* grrr....nes....i hate waiting...

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: Me too.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *sighes, then goes back to sailor moon*grrrr

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: What now mate?

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: just rp on another rp. Check messages. Do art. Read....

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: I dunno.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: must watch sailor moon *glares at the video*

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: Weirdo.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: *growles* for your info these ones were never translated into english....*puffs air*

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: OKay then.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: sorry...just really bored...*sighes*

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: you think you're bored?? I'm at me mum's college with wierd people nearby. And I can't listen to my song *sniff*

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: awww...i'm in the hospital...*sighes*

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: you are? for what?

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: broke my knee....well right above it

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: aww *huggles* I'm did you do that?

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: thanx, *huggles back* fell off my bike then rolled down a hill and hit the oak tree at the bottom

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: I got bitten by a shark, so what now?

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: ouch O.o''' *wince* I've broken my nose..and tailbone...but never had it checked out ^^'' (or at least, we think so) or it was bruised really bad...

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: I broke my nose too. I was playing volleyoccer.

2006-08-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: Ok thats strange because i broke my nose a few days ago, but here is a question for you, did it bleed at all or did you pass out?

2006-08-10 [Dark Necromancer]: I didn't pas out, but there is a line of blood on the gym floor where I walked and in the hall and in the office.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: ouch...i had 5 stitches on my knee

2006-08-10 [Akayume]: my nose turned purple....and it bled...

2006-08-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: Then you did break it, because if it bled atleast you broke it.

2006-08-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: I passed out in the floor, but i felt it comming on so i laid down & kept from hurting myself further. I have passed out so many times from either being sick, getting my blood drawn or seeing a needle, from getting my nose broken & also for no real explainable reason. So i cna always tell when i'm about to pass out & i have tought myself to lay down before i do, i always wake up after feeling light headed to.

2006-08-10 [Ayame the Snake]: grrr...dang...the nurse...brb

2006-08-10 [Angelis Nightfall]: ok

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: okay....were had to take blood...*sighes*

2006-08-11 [Lady_Elowyn]: This is lovely... Ben and Lei are making out while Lerayel and Jalen are about to be attacked.... fun.

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: yea well...stuff happens...*giggles* she ran into him and he was looking for Lerayel, she said she would take him...and well...there waseting time till they see her..

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: I don't know when i should bring Luna into the picture again

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: hm...yea..what happened to her...

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: She is sitting in her tent & is just thinking things through in her mind.

2006-08-11 [Lady_Elowyn]: Bring Luna in whenever you'd like. Maybe she could walk in on Lei and Ben.... ^^

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: *giggles* yea could do that...*smiles* don't make fun of my Lei Fang...*smiles*

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: I wouldn't make fun of her, but where are they?

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: nowere really, just on the outer rim of camp, around the trees...and yea

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Oh ok then she should be able to see them esily, awsome i think i will right now :D

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: hmkay

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Ok before we get any further, we need to wait for a new page & hope that no one else post. Because if they do, then we are all screwed & most of wahts in here will be deleated.

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: eeppp

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: *sighes* waiting bites

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea, but waiting only brings good things sometimes.

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: ugh guess i can watch more sailor moon eps...

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: awwwww I want to watch them to i never got to watch all of them

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: i'm wating the last season...*giggles* gotta love

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: oh they are on there?

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: yep...watching Sailor Stars-Ep. 181 right now...woot woot
Search sailor moon ep you'll get jap one and dubed ones...i've been watching them almost all day...

2006-08-11 [Angelis Nightfall]: ok

2006-08-11 [Ayame the Snake]: uh huh

2006-08-11 [Lady_Elowyn]: Ok, it's really time for a new page.

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